
ERIC advises Welsh Assembly on Natural Resources Wales

Professor Bob Lee was appointed Special Advisor to the National Assembly for Wales’ Environment and Sustainability Committee to advise on the creation of a single environmental body bringing together the Forestry Commission Wales (FCW), Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and the Environment Agency Wales (EAW). The Committee reviewed a Business Case examining the costs and risks attached to the […]

Climate wars

In June 2014, after a 20-year staring competition with China and other developing countries, the USA blinked, announcing new domestic rules to reduce greenhouse gas emissions without requiring developing countries to do the same. Frustrated by US Congress’s stalemate on climate action, President Barack Obama took measures to advance a major step in his Climate […]

Space debris

Human activities produce waste.There is a catalogue of waste legislation in the UK, most of it deriving from the European Union (EU), from the Waste Framework Directive to the Batteries Directive and many, many more in between. However, no matter where we venture we leave a wake of rubbish. As a result of the use […]

Climate change negotiations

The end of September was an important time for those that follow climate change negotiations. A precursor to the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris, where governments have pledged to reach a universal climate change agreement, governments and businesses got together in New York to discuss how they can and should tackle climate change. Whether […]

Nuclear waste

The UK’s Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) has just published its long-awaited consultation on options for dealing with stocks of plutonium: Management of the UK’s Plutonium Stocks: A Consultation on the Long-Term Management of UK owned separated civil Plutonium (Issued 7 February 2011 and available from the DECC website. The UK has a […]