Groundwater Flooding

Begonia Filgueira | 10 years ago

Groundwater flooding caused around 24% of the flooding we experienced last winter in the UK.  Begonia discusses with Mark Fermor, Managing Director of ESI International, the risks of groundwater flooding for property purchase purposes and insurability.

Learn about the pioneering Ground Water Flood Risk Map and how it is useful for developers, property owners and professionals, and the regulator in predicting and understanding groundwater flooding nationally.

This podcast was recorded for Landmark Information Group.

Mark Fermor, Managing Director of ESI International is a hydro geologist with almost 30 years’ experience in environmental consultancy. He is a technical specialist in groundwater flow and transport and has extensive experience in the assessment of catchment flooding and water management.

Begonia is a co-director and founder of ERIC. She is a solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales. Begonia advises government and businesses on environmental regulation including compliance, know how, common law issues, environmental liabilities and contaminated land.

About the author

Begonia Filgueira

Begonia is a specialist in Environmental Law, governance and negotiation. Her career now spans 20 years having started as an environmental lawyer in the City. She is a dually qualified UK Solicitor and Spanish Abogada who provides legal advice, trains professionals and carries out complex research in the areas of International and EU environmental law. She also advises on treaty negotiations and implementation of EU law. Begonia has advised UNEP, UNDP, the European Commission, DEFRA and DOENI. She also advises industry and NGOs on environmental policy and regulation. BREXIT negotiations is her current area of specialism.